Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 accomplishments & 2015 goals

A huge thank you to all that donated to MoringaCommunity.org since the release of our 2015 Newsletter . We will do our best to provide a regular update of the progress we're making towards meeting our annual operating budget of $48,000 in support funding to keep the Moringa Community School of Trades (MCST) fully operational. When you realize that MCST is providing a high school level education as well as practical vocational trade education to as many as 60 students a year in addition to paying our maintenance salaries for fifteen Ghanaian staff members (9 of which are college educated), this figure is, not only very small but, quite reasonable by African standards.  

Each month, our supporters and those that find us worthy of support will be able to monitor the updated total amount of funding that will have been donated from January 1, 2015  through to the current posting date indicated on our Funding Thermometer (at left).  As all can see, we are currently running on relative fumes as we unfortunately only had a total of $26,146 donated for the entire 2014 year so as of the date referenced on the gauge our treasury is in rough shape for this late in the year.  Please lend us a hand and donate today!  Your donation is fully tax deductible and any funds donated now will help us get started in 2016 with the hope of more support to follow throughout the year. At least we hope. 

We can promise that we will not come to you for more money than just what we need but folks we do need at least some ongoing funding.  We cannot do this work without it.  Please also know that all our American personnel are unpaid volunteers. The only salaries your donation may be applied towards are for the average $135/month salaries paid to our teachers on the ground in Ghana. Since the outset of this project, our mission has been to become as self-sustaining as possible. With the products and services our staff and students create for sale as a part of their practical vocational training, we've accomplished our goal in that MCST self-funds much of its full operation expense. Although MCST does indeed self-generate much of its annual operating budget, our trade school still needs some outside support just as every school in the world does, no matter their location. For a more detailed account of the latest and greatest accomplishments and goals of MCST, please read our 2015 Newsletter!

Please help us keep this wonderful project operational by making a fully tax-deductible donation today in any amount you are able.  In addition or in place of cash donations, we do have other very specific needs you can review by checking our 2015 Wish List.   These needs include several great mission projects for clubs, churches, youth groups, and even individual families that want to be more actively involved. 

Thank you and a Happy New Year! 
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